Scattered Community Gathering, Brucedale (near Wagga Wagga)
You are invited to our Saltbush Scattered Community Gathering to encourage and connect leaders and participants from our diverse Uniting Christian communities. We will be offering two similar gatherings to make attending easier for people to get to either – you can attend either gathering for the same great Saltbush experience.
- Enjoy hospitality as part of our broader Saltbush community
- Meet the Saltbush team & celebrate the commissioning of Geoff Wellington
- Hear what it means to belong to Saltbush as a congregation
- Hear how we are shaping Saltbush Online as part of providing support for diverse rural congregations
- Be encouraged if you are interested in trying new gatherings of Christian community
- Participate in conversation and learning around Safe Church
- Talk to us about your reality as the rural church
- Share in faith reflection and communion