Saltbush as a Vision

Saltbush is part of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Saltbush – Uniting the Scattered Community, seeks to encourage and connect Uniting Christian communities,  irrespective of size or location and work at all the layers of our church to shape communities for the present future.

Saltbush seeks to enable us as a broad church to embrace the reality of being Christian community in the 21st. century and to affirm diverse ways for people across the land to belong; both to gather and be in mission together. Saltbush seeks to work with individuals, lay leaders and Christian communities who are willing to confront traditions and habits of the past to shape new intentional gatherings for the present future!

Our team is made up of Ministers and Deacons, some of who work in specific regions and others who work both online and on the ground across the land.  Saltbush is not just a website nor a resource, but real people in relationship with those seeking to explore faith and life together.

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The Word Around The Bush

Transfiguration Sunday- Listening – Luke 9:28-43a

Jesus is transfigured alongside Moses (law) and Elijah (prophet). Jesus embodies the law and that of a prophet. We are called to listen to him,

Epiphany 7- Choose to respond with Grace- Luke 6: 27-38

In light of the challenges presented by Jesus's teachings, let us strive to respond with grace. This challenges us to go against our natural inclinations

Epiphany 6 – Luke 6:17-26 – Beyond the Crowded Life

Here is a story with a beautiful start: “He went down with them and stood on a level place.” Down from a quiet mountaintop reserved

Epiphany 5 – Transcendent Christ – Luke 5: 1-11

Jesus is in the boat with the fishermen and in the midst of their fishing lives there is a transcendent moment which draws them on

Salty Conversations

23 December 2020Podcast

Saltbush Conversations with Rev. Peter Overton

Saltbush Conversations in a Coffee Shop with Rev. Peter Overton.  Over a cup of coffee

16 November 2020Podcast

Salty Conversations with Rev. Daniel Mossfield

Join us for another Salty Conversation - exploring life, faith, the church and Christian community. 

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20 October 2020Podcast

Salty Conversations with Rev Phil Matthews

Salty Conversations talks with Rev Phil Matthews, Bush Chaplain for the Barwon Remote Area and

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13 October 2020Podcast

Salty Conversations in Christian Community Episode 6

In a series of six episodes Salty Conversations explores Christian Community. Episode 6 talks with

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